
Unlock Your Real Estate Investor Potential

For more than 30 years, RealData has helped real estate investors and developers navigate the road to success.


Our mission is twofold: To supply the software tools you need to evaluate commercial, residential and mixed-use income-property investments, projects and partnerships; and to provide you with the educational materials and resources to be a knowledgeable investor.

Frank Gallinelli

Real Estate Partnerships and Preferred Return

Not all partnerships include a preferred return but, in those that do, its purpose is to counterbalance the risk associated with investing capital in the deal. Typically, the investor is promised that he or she will get first crack at the partnership’s profit and receive at least a X% return, to the extent that the partnership generates enough cash to pay it. In most partnership structures, the cash flow is allocated first to return the invested capital to all partners. The preferred return is paid next, before the General Partner or Managing Member receives any profit.

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Real Estate Analysis
Frank Gallinelli

The Cash-on-Cash Conundrum, Part 1

Life is too complicated; we have too many choices, too many options, too many channels on cable TV. It’s not surprising that sometimes we crave simple answers to complex questions.

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Frank Gallinelli

What is Your Marginal Tax Rate, and Why is It Important to You?

Unless you make your living by helping people complete their returns, you probably prefer to spend as little time as possible thinking about income taxes. The rules and forms are generally opaque and the process is often stressful. However, there is at least one concept in the U.S. tax system that is both very simple and really important, and yet I find that it is unfamiliar to many.

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Frank Gallinelli

What Kind of Real Estate Investment Makes Sense for YOU?

If you watch what’s happening with the stock market, you’re probably ready to reach for the Dramamine. It’s like being trapped in a really fast elevator, except the buttons don’t take you where you expect to go. Maybe somebody else is controlling the ride. You realize that most of the people you see who have achieved genuine financial independence have done so with real estate. Your next step is to figure out how you can do the same.

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